CROSSPOSTMy whole life I have had difficulty in social situations and with focusing during school/fidgeting.My father has Aspergers, and I have been told myself I may have it. However I never went for a diagnosis because my family were against the idea of "labelling" and I personally didn't see the point at the time. I have always struggled socially, I am quite an awkward person and I've always been described as "weird" by people no matter how normal I try to be.Ever since primary school I have never been good at concentrating. I find it all too easy to slip away into my own mind, thinking up a story or just fidgeting with whatever rubbish I have found in my pocket. Of course in primary school, that didn't matter very much. But now i have my GCSEs coming up (very important exams, for the non brits here), and my inability to concentrate is having a negative effect on my grades and in some subjects is preventing me from learning entirely. Even when I apply myself like, "okay, time to focus, listen carefully", without even realising it, I will start to stare out a window or draw in the margins of my textbook. I'm finding it quite stressful. And before anyone asks, I am aware that ADHD isn't just "cannot concentrate, gets distracted", and instead is about having lower dopamine output as a neurotypical. I have had some previous experiences with depressive episodes, which I know isn't instant proof I am neurodivergent but I thought it was useful information.Now I am almost certain that I have Asperger's, it is not only largely inherited but explains my inherent social awkwardness, clumsiness and social incompetence. However I am not so sure about ADHD. Of course I don't WANT to have ADHD, (I hate to sound like some cringy 12 year old self diagnoser), but if I were to have it it would be A) good to know, because then I could do something about it and B) would allow me to stop blaming myself for all the issues above. Because these problems are genuinely causing me a lot of stress, and during Year 10-11 when I am supposed to be doing exams, it's not great. Stress causes sadness, and I'd rather not have a depressive episode during my GCSEs (and in general obviously!) Overthinking issues to do with friends and other relationships has also caused me a lot of stress and I think could fit under both ASD or ADHD-I?I'm not sure what to do here. If I were to go ahead with trying to get a diagnosis, then I would talk to my parents about getting tested for Asperger's, and then mention to the doctor my current issues. 2 years ago I was depressed and have already had experience with therapists. The problem is my parents are kind of against the idea of "labelling" and would raise their eyebrows at me mentioning the idea of suddenly wanting an ASD diagnosis. My other worry of course, is that I make all this fuss, visit a doctor, and nothing comes from it. Then I just seem like another edgy kid who self diagnoses and wastes everybody's time. I just want to find out if I have anything and if there is anything I can fo about it, because if I continue how I am currently I am not going to do very well I don't think.Wow, that was quite the read. Quite the write, too. What I want to know is what you all think I should do. Is getting a diagnosis for either of these neurodivergences worth it? Have any of you had a similar experience? Am I being overdramatic?Thanks for your time :) happy to answer any questions. via /r/autism https://ift.tt/2HcwTt8
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