Sunday, October 11, 2020

“My kid will never....”

I have about had it! I am trying to bite my tongue and hold back all the nasty things coming to mind but I swear my patience is getting tested more and more each day!Lately, it seems that every member of my husband’s family has an opinion about what we are doing wrong as parents.he’s too picky of an eater (so we just have spoiled him)he’s speech delayed (so we didn’t read to him enough)he’s not potty trained yet (we’re to lazy to make him go)he only wants to sleep in our bed (we’re not trying hard enough)We don’t live at home and never have. This means we don’t have a “village.” All this we’re doing? We do it alone. It means that when we have an emergency, one parent handles it while the other takes care of our son. It means that date nights are rare (babysitter shortage is a thing here). It means we can’t stay up all night walking our son back to his room because there is no one to allow us a nap the next day.This has been non stop since my son was born and we’re coming up on his third birthday!He has had constant medical issues with his ears and adenoids. He finally had the adenoids removed and a new set of tubes put in a couple of months ago. But, before this is was as if he heard everything underwater (according to the ENT and SLP).We’ve been told that his picky eating and the speech delay are both caused by the issues with his adenoids. But that doesn’t stop my in-laws from constantly judging us. The past two days my husbands brother has had something to say negative and I’m just so over it.My brother-in-law and his wife cannot conceive and as time passes, they seem to resent us more and more because we do have a child.I’m trying to bite my tongue and be respectful to the feelings I’m sure they have about not being able to conceive but, it’s starting to feel like they don’t even like my son.All we hear is, “I would never let my kid....” or @ our kids will never.... ugh!Just let us be! Our kid is well cared for, loved and j so happy via /r/breakingmom

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