“Come on you lazy bums. I want to see some hustle.”I ran in full gear running laps listening to my coach yell at us. Thanks to one of my teammates pissing off the coach we have been awarded to running ‘Geronimo’s’ for the remainder of practice.I ran quietly dreading hearing coach blow his whistle. If he did blow his whistle whoever was last in the line would yell ‘Geronimo’ and sprint his way to the front of the line. Once that said person made it to the front then the rest of us would have to keep up the pace until we heard the coach blow his whistle twice. This always kept up until the coach blew his whistle long enough and then tell us that practice was over. Usually when we ran ‘Geronimo’s’ a lot of the team would end up puking.I hated when someone on the squad pissed off the coach. Usually I refrained from pissing off the coach because after practice was done whoever pissed off coach got a soap beating afterwards. And those are never fun.I heard coach blow his whistle and then yell, “Chenlie, Sosseron, Baker, Morrison, Cunningham, and Butler. Hit the gym with the offense coach. The rest of you hit the showers.”All of us stopped running and I watched as six of my team mates fell to their knees and began to dry heave. I looked around for a moment and looked at the six players that coach had called to follow the offensive coach to the gym. I sighed to myself and started walking towards Coach Grant our offensive coach.As I walked towards the coach I saw Amanda sitting in the bleachers just watching our practice. I smiled to myself as I saw her there looking intently towards me. I flexed my arm at her basically telling her that my practice wasn’t over. I watched as she smiled at me and leaned back in her seat. Usually when I saw that I knew she would stay there until I was done. I looked around and saw everyone else’s girlfriend or parents sitting in the bleachers watching practice. Normally Coach Morrison didn’t care if we had our girlfriends or parents there to watch our practice as long as they didn’t interfere they were welcome. Usually the parents kept their mouth shut until game night yelling at coach to put their son in the game or hassle him over the play that he made. The girlfriends usually screamed on their boyfriend the entire night.Amanda has been to every one of my practices and all my games so far. Normally I don’t see her for the first part of my practice because like me she has practice as well…cheerleading practice. But after her practice is done she usually hurries towards where my practice was.“Chenlie get your ass over here.”I shook my head and realized I had stopped because I didn’t want to keep my eyes of Amanda.I ran towards Coach Grant, “Sorry Coach.”We spent the next hour and a half going through the motions of our weight training regimen. Finally our practice was over, until tomorrow that is.I quickly got out of my gear and everything into my clothes that I had worn today. I decided to forgo the shower and everything because it was already 7:30pm.As I exited the locker room I was greeted by a lovely voice.“Hey you.”I looked over at Amanda leaning against the wall waiting patiently for me. I smiled at her, “Hey.” She walked over to me and just before she looped her arm around mine she immediately pulled her arm back and took a step back.“Geez you stink. They didn’t give you enough time to shower did they?”I laughed, “Oh they did but seeing how it’s so late I decided against it.”I wrapped my arm around her and tried to dig myself a bigger hole, “Besides I thought you liked my manly smell.”She pushed me away and laughed, “I meant your regular everyday smell not your freshly worked out stench.”I laughed, “Oh excuse me. I always seem to confuse those two.”She slapped my arm, “Well we better start walking home before we get into trouble.”I smiled at her, “I guess you’re right.”As we walked our way home a lot of things were going on in my mind. On one side I had been enjoying myself dating Amanda. We have been spending a lot of time with each other even though my team mates always teased me for being pussy wiped.I had to admit I wouldn’t trade what we have been doing with any other girl. Since she slept over that one time, we have been fucking like bunnies ever since.On the other hand my mind have been thinking of other things. Mainly school and football. Ever since I joined the football squad the coach has been riding me hard. He even had me playing iron man, I was playing wide receiver for offense and for defense I was playing cornerback.So seeing how I was playing two different positions I had to memorize both sides of the playbook, which frankly had taken up my time. So with trying to find time to spend with Amanda, doing school work, memorizing my playbook, and playing football had pretty much taken up all my time.“So are you excited about the game tomorrow night?”Amanda’s question snapped me out of my train of thought. Took me a moment to collect my thoughts about the game tomorrow night.I scratched my head and finally sighed, “To be honest. I’m not too sure about tomorrow night.” She looked at me, “Why do you think you guys will lose?”I laughed, “It’s nothing like that. I try not to think about the game until it is actually being played.” “Why is that?”I sighed, “I don’t know it’s hard to think about something that hasn’t happened yet. I try to focus on the here and now. Not what will be or what will happen. I don’t know if that makes any sense.”I watched as she smiled at me, “I guess you’re right. So what actually happens when you do get ready to play?”I looked at her for a moment as we walked. After a few moments of thinking of my answer, I finally answered, “I don’t know. Everything just turns into a blur when I put on my pads and tape myself up.”After a few more steps I laughed, “To be honest I really don’t remember what happens during the game.”She looked at me for a moment before saying something, “Why is that?”I scratched my head, “I don’t know. It’s like when I put on my pads and everything I turn into this guy who can’t be hurt and is always at the right place at the right time. Then when I’m not then I’m like the person you see before yourself.”She smiled at me, “So when you’re not playing football. What do you actually think about?”I smiled at her and pulled her into me. “You tell me.”She smiled at me with a wicked smile, “Now now. Behave yourself.”I grabbed her butt and lifted her up so that she was at face level with me seeing how she was a few inches shorter than me. I whispered to her, “Then when?”I watched as her face blushed, “Maybe after tomorrow’s game. If you win that is.”Right now I was surprised I could lift her up let alone keep her up to where she was at this moment. After the work out that coach put me through I fully expected my arms to be completely dead, but some how I was able to do what I’m doing right now. I guess it helps that Amanda barely weighted 105lbs. soaking wet. And it doesn’t hurt that my sex drive completely over rides normal rules.God Amanda had turned me into a complete sexual fend. I’m just happy Amanda is a nympho as well. So the longer she teases me she’s actually teasing herself.She looked into my eyes, “Can you put me down? We have to get home before we get into trouble.”I sighed, “I guess you’re right.”I put her down and we began walking again.Finally a little while we finally arrived to her house. She turned to me, “I guess this is my stop. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”I smiled at her, “Or you could invite me in and give me a massage.”She giggled at me, “Maybe another time.”I decided to test the waters, “Who knows maybe I can sneak over later tonight and you can give me a previous of my reward for tomorrow night.”She continued to giggle, “You’re just terrible.”I wiggled my eyebrows at her, “Please like you weren’t thinking the same thing.”She gave me her wicked smile again, “Maybe. But you’re still going to have to behave. Besides my dad will kill you if he catches you.”I sighed at her, “Spoil sport.”She stood on her tip toes and kissed me her special kiss for me that told me that I should do what I was thinking. Our tongues locked with one another.Our kiss lasted only for a few moments until we heard someone clear their throat. We broke our kiss to see who cleared their throat.It was Amanda’s dad standing in the doorway looking at us.“Oh hi dad.”He looked at us both. “I think it’s time for you to come inside honey. Hello Jay.”I nodded at Amanda’s dad, “Sir.”He continued to keep his eye on us, “So how was practice today Jay?”I smiled at him, “Exhausting like usual.”He smiled a knowing smile at me as if knowing that my practice had exhausted me enough to where I couldn’t do anything with his daughter at this moment or for that night for that matter. Little did he know for having sex with Amanda I will find untapped amounts of energy just for her.“That’s good. Do you think you will win tomorrow night?”I laughed, “I guess we’ll find out tomorrow night won’t we.”He smiled at me, “Well I’m looking forward to it. Sweetheart I think it is time for you to come in now. Good night Jay.”I watched Amanda frown at her father and then turned to face me again. She kissed me again and lightly ran her hand over my crotch. My dick was happy to oblige by hardening for her touch.Amanda broke her kiss, “Good night Jay.” Turned around and ran inside.I smiled at I watched her go inside and watched her father give me a knowing look at me as he closed the door. I turned around and began walking home. It’s funny how long Amanda and me have been friends and how well her parents have always treated me like a second member of the family.But now that we are an item her father’s attitude has changed. I guess he hoped that we haven’t had sex yet. Or it could be it is his only daughter is the reason he is acting to way he is. Oh well.I walked home and thought about everything. I thought I was seriously going to need a hot bath to relax my muscles so I won’t be sore tomorrow. And I was going to need as much rest as I can get so I can perform tomorrow night. And I had a lot of homework that needed to be finished. Then again I could sneak over later tonight and have fun with Amanda.Decisions decisions.What will a 16 year old boy ever do?Looks like my decision was easy. Sneaking over seemed like the best idea. I just hoped my timing will be good and she’s awake for her to give me my small preview of tomorrow’s reward.I walked into my home, “Mom…Dad. I’m home.”My house was quiet. Which really didn’t surprise me. I looked at the time and saw that it read 8:27pm. I spoke to myself, “Strange they should be home by now.”Normally my parents work strange hours and most of the time because of their work they usually travel a lot. When I was a kid I got used to babysitters or relatives taking care of me. Now that I’m old enough to take care of myself I got used to coming home to an empty house. But I couldn’t complain.I walked into the kitchen where the house phone was and checked if there were any messages. I picked up the phone and heard in the dial tone that there were messages. I dialed our home number with our code so I could access the answering service.First message played it’s normal automated voice before the actual message played:“One new message at 1:37pm.”“Hey son. Listen me and your mom have to go on travel again. I’ll be gone until late next week. You mom should be home just after the weekend. I hope you game goes well tomorrow night. I’ll try calling again Saturday night to see how everything went. Before I left I left some money that should keep you settled until your mom comes home. Take care. Talk to you Saturday.”I hung up the phone. I sighed to myself.“Fucking figures.”I opened up the fridge to see if there was anything to eat. I was greeted by a semi full fridge with some mystery meat. I opened the freezer to see my favorite microwave dinner. I quickly slapped the tv dinner in the microwave and entered the instructed time.After I ate my tv dinner, I walked into my room. I turned on my computer, turned on my instant message account, and pulled out my homework to quickly take care of it. Luckily I did nearly all my homework in my last class while the teacher was lecturing. So I only had to read one chapter for history.Uh ohI looked up at my computer to see that Amanda had sent me an instant message.Amanda: Hey you. What are you doing?I smiled as I read her text. I quickly typed my answer.Jay: Nothing much just got done eating dinner and now I’m finishing off my homework before I take a nice hot bath to relax my muscles.Amanda: Oh is somebody sore ;)I laughed at the message.Jay: Maybe a little bit. Want to come over and give me a massage.I waited patiently to see what her answer would be.Amanda: Maybe after you take your bath. No offense but you stunk after your practice.I thought about my answer for a moment and then quickly typed my answer.Jay: So when should I expect you?I waited patiently to see what her answer was.Amanda: Right like I’m going to sneak out of my parents house while they are asleep hoping I won’t wake up. Then sneak over to your house and hope that I don’t wake up your parents.I laughed.Jay: Don’t have to worry about my parents. They’re out of town again.Amanda: AGAIN????I sighed to myself.Jay: It appears so.Amanda: Lucky you. Well I guess that still leaves me sneaking out and not waking up my parents. Then I still have to worry about sneaking back in when I try to sneak back in.I laughed.Jay: Why I would do it for youAmanda: LOL. You just want to come over to have sex with me.I laughed and thought about a good come back.Jay: LOL. You’re the only one I would do it for.Amanda: You better mister.Jay: But seriously when should I expect you over so you can give me a massageAmanda: Like I said all you want from me is sex.Jay: Like you didn’t think of itAmanda: Maybe a little bit ;)I quickly typed a quick reply.Jay: Or I could sneak over to your house.Amanda: Yeah right.I smiled as I wroteJay: Come on you know it turns you onI waited for Amanda to reply.Amanda: Maybe ;)I got excited knowing that if I did sneak over we could get caught. Just the idea of it instantly got me hard as a rock. I quickly typed my reply.Jay: So what time should I swing by?I wanted to see if Amanda wanted me to sneak over or not. My computer chimed at me.Amanda: Maybe in a couple of hours.I laughed.Jay: Great see you in a couple of hours. How about you send me something to tide me over until then.Amanda: Like what?Jay: I don’t know be inventive.After a few moments. My computer chimed again. This time my messenger told me I had mail.Amanda: Well I better get off of here. My dad is telling me to turn off the computer. See you in a couple of hours.Before I could reply my messenger told me she had already signed off.I sighed to myself. I checked my email to see what email I had gotten.Once I opened my email I noticed one new email from Amanda. I clicked on the email to see that nothing was there only an attachment. I kind of frowned that she didn’t write something maybe even an ‘I Love You’ or something. I clicked on the attachment hoping that it was better than an empty email.The attachment was a picture of Amanda only in her panties. She was bent over slightly for the camera with her hands under her breasts slightly holding them up. It was as if she was saying ‘Would you like me to serve these to you?’.I focused myself on the image and felt that familiar pulse in my lower region. I looked down to check and sure enough my dick was at full erection. I smiled to myself knowing that Amanda is probably the only girl whose picture could make my dick react this way.Either way I shut down my computer and headed for the bathroom to take a bath so my muscles could relax. I know I was going to have to make my bath short because I didn’t have much time to relax before I needed to get ready so I could sneak over to Amanda’s place.As I headed for the bathroom I knew one thing for sure. I now had great reference material to keep me entertained while I sat in the bath. via /r/eroticliterature https://ift.tt/3klwxhQ
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