I walked out of my house early in the morning to meet up with Amanda so we can walk to school. As I walked I had so many questions racing in my head from yesterday afternoon’s encounter. Was she showing me that she was interested in me? Was her kiss real or was she playing along so she could get an idea of how I lost my virginity?All I knew is I slept like shit. I had woken up at 4:30 in the freaking morning because there were so many questions that kept nagging at me. That and remembering her first soft kiss had turned me on. In fact remembering it now instantly made my pants tight as my hard on pushed on my pants.I had decided seeing how I woke up freaking early to go over my homework and to write a note to Amanda about yesterday. Mainly I had written that I really enjoyed last night and say that I was sorry that I had pretty much frozen when she made he advances. I also wrote most of the questions that had plagued me enough to wake up so freaking early.I reached in my pocket to make sure the note was there. I really didn’t feel like re writing it if I accidentally left it at home. Nor could I wait to find out what exactly happened yesterday if I did leave the note in my room. I breathed my sigh of relief when I felt it was there.Now I just needed to find the courage to give her the note when I did see her. God knows if I talked to her about yesterday I wouldn’t be able to find the words or it might come out gibberish.Just then I heard her.“Hi yeah. Good morning.”I looked at the girl I had a crush on and who also pretty much teased the hell out of me yesterday. I saw that she was wearing her normal outfit of jeans, Nike shoes, white t shirt, and wearing her normal hoodie.I laughed to myself even though this girl is in my opinion drop dead gorgeous. She never wore anything that made her look like a girl. She still dressed as a tomboy like she did in elementary and junior high. The only problem with her still dressing as a tomboy now that we are in high school was she is more developed.Now that we are in school she had developed. Her ass looked like something you could bounce a quarter off of. She had grown very tight b cup breasts. She had all these qualities even though she was as skinny as a rail.I smiled up at her, “Good morning.”She walked down her walkway to where I was standing on the sidewalk.“You ready for school today?”I laughed, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”She looked down for a moment and I had to strain to hear as she spoke, “Sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”I lifted her chin so she could face me, “Don’t worry about it. I actually enjoyed it.”As if the world had been lifted from her shoulders she smiled her million dollar smile at me, “Ok.” And she begun her walk towards the school.I immediately walked her.She kept her head forward, “So are you still going to be playing football this session?”I sighed, “Yeah. The coach was nice enough to let me have to summer off during their normal training period so I could go out of the country when I won that sweepstakes.”“Oh cool cool. So when is your first practice?”I looked at her obviously knowing what she was trying to do by avoiding what happened yesterday. “My first practice is next week after school.”I decided it would be now or never. I continued to look at her so I could see her reaction, “Did you read what I wrote down for last night?”The question stopped Amanda in her tracks. I stopped right with her.Once again she bowed her head, “Yeah I did.”I looked at her but couldn’t see much emotion on her face because she had bowed her head and hidden her face as her hair fell forward.“And…????”She cleared her thought, “And I thought it was sweet.” She rose her head to look at me, “Is that why you tried avoid the topic so much?”This time I wanted to bow my head so I could hide my face but I found my strength and continued to look into her eyes. I simply nodded my head. It was difficult at first but the more I looked at her the more I watched as her eyes begin to tear up.“Because you wanted me to be your first?”I scratched my head and realized that me losing my virginity wasn’t a big deal to me. The thing that I realized at the moment when I did have sex was that I had fallen in love with Amanda. I just didn’t recognize it until now.I wanted to beat the crap out of myself for letting the realization take me so long to figure it out.I scoffed for a second and finally said, “Something like that.”And began walking towards school again.Now I had more questions I needed answers. Mainly the answers I needed was from myself.Some I needed from Amanda but figured to take it one step at a time.The first question I needed an answer from Amanda was if we could ever be more than friends and actually start dating. I put my hand in my pocket and felt my note for Amanda. Somehow the note seemed to comfort me mainly because that question was inside it. I just needed to give her the note so I could get my answer.Amanda caught up with me and spoke again, “Answer me.”I snapped my attention and looked at her, “Sorry what was the question.”I frowned at me, “I asked ‘Then how come you never did anything but kiss me back last night’?”Then it dawned on me. She actually had feelings for me as well. I wanted to slap myself for not paying attention to her hints. I think maybe I should get my head checked for missing all her hints. Or was it because she wasn’t giving me any hints she just wanted to know why I actually didn’t make any moves on her.I sighed, “I thought we were reenacting the night I lost my virginity. That night I was so shocked at what was happening I didn’t know what was going on until it was too late.” I wanted to smile to myself for being so cleaver.I watched in the corner of my eye as she bowed her head, “Oh. So if we weren’t acting out that fateful night. Then you would actually kiss me for real?”This time I stopped mainly because I felt like someone had punched me in the gut for being so stupid.I looked at her and smiled, “Yeah I would actually kiss you for real.”Just then the bell rang. Our attentions snapped to the school. We only had a block to sprint to our classes.We immediately started sprinting towards the school because we had ten minutes to get to our home room.While we were running I decided it might as well be now. I pulled the note out of my pocket and waved it at her.“Here I wrote this for you this morning.”She looked at me and smiled as she took the note. She pulled a note from her pocket and held it out for me.“I did the same thing last night after you left.”I took the note and shoved it in my pocket.She simply said, “Here’s my homeroom. See you in four periods.”I smiled and waved at her as I continued to sprint to my homeroom.I thought as I ran. Are we actually going to start dating? Is she going to actually let me kiss her without her turning her cheek so I end up kissing her cheek?As I ran I immediately thought. If everything was going to come true I just prayed the hints I was getting were true.The bell rang signaling that school had ended for the day. I packed my backpack and sighed to myself as my mind went from school work to actual problems. Mainly what the hell was I going to do with Amanda.Are we going to start dating? Are we actually going to start kissing each other instead of simply hugging each other as friends? Is she hinting she wants more?"Hey you."Amanda's voice snapped me from asking myself so many damn questions. I looked behind me and smiled at her."Hey Amanda how was school?"She looked at me, "It was ok. I'm more interested if you were able to read my note?"I smiled at her, "Sorry. All my classes had surprise quizzes today so all the teachers kept a close eye on everyone."She pouted at me, "Even during lunch?"I smiled, "Sorry. I promise I'll read it later."She sighed, "Fine. So what are you doing this weekend?"I smiled at her, "More than likely fending for myself seeing how my parents went on travel this morning and won't be back until sometime next week. How about you?"She looked at me, "I have no idea. Probably nothing. So seeing how you're parents are gone, are you going to throw a party?"I laughed, "As much as I'd like to. My parents have informed our neighbors to keep an eye on the place so if I do throw a party they'll let them know and then I'll be in deep shit. So if there is any parties they won't be at my place."I watched as Amanda smiled at me, "Well how about sleep over’s?"I looked at her obviously not catching on to what she was getting at. I think the confusion showed on my face because she quickly added, “Are you allowed to have sleep over’s while you’re parents are out of town?”I scratched my head, “I don’t see why not. I guess I could have A friend sleep over.” I tried to a put a lot of emphasis on only one person if someone were to sleep over. I watched as Amanda bowed her head, “So if I offered to spend the night over at your place, you wouldn’t turn down the offer?”I looked at Amanda trying to figure out why she was beating around the bush and just get to what she wanted. I simply smiled, “No I wouldn’t turn down the offer. “ I laughed and added, “Though I doubt your parents will let you sleep over at a boys house.”She looked at me, “Do you or do you not want me to sleep over?”I smiled, “It would be nice if you did.”Just then we reached her house. She smiled with finality, “Then it’s settled. Let me worry about my parents.”I smiled, “Ok then. See you at my place then.”She reached up and quickly kissed me on the lips, “See you in a little bit.”I wished her kiss lasted a little bit longer. The only thing I could do was grunt as she ran off inside her house.Took me a few moments to finally regain my composure. I’m sure if someone were to take a quick glance at me it might look like a stupid 16 year old boy looking dumbly at a house like he was stalking someone. In reality that kiss put me into a trance that made me forget everything.If one quick kiss is going to incapacitate me then how am I going to handle a real kiss from her. Or feeling anything naked on her body for that matter. I hate to see how I would react if she stood in front of me naked….probably just stare at her with a hard on and me drooling.Finally I shook my head trying to clear everything. Took me a few extra seconds to find my legs again and walk the rest of the way home.As soon as I got home I immediately read all the chapters assigned to me and did my homework but Amanda’s note started to nag at me. What had she written? Was it good? Was it bad?Guess there was only one way to find out.I opened the note:J,I know yesterday I took advantage of your telling of how you lost your virginity to that harlot. It was wrong of me to do so. From how you reacted it seemed you were uncomfortable or you were showing me what really happened that night. Either way I won’t do it again. As much fun as I had I don’t want to lose you as a friend. I know I know especially after my speech that I had given you about being friends no matter what. I do have to admit before you ask that yes I did enjoy the kiss (only because I know you). Anyways even though I know I told you how I felt about last night. How did you feel about it? - AI smiled as I read the note. I actually laughed as I read the note. So at least a few things were confirmed for me from her note.Now I knew for sure what she did last night was indeed intentional. And that she enjoyed the kiss as much as I did from last night.Now I only needed to find out if she liked me enough or enjoyed the kiss enough to do it again and more often. If she does want to kiss me maybe just maybe we can move that to dating.I shook my head from the questions and decided to actually do all my homework now that I found out what Amanda had written me. Got to love having ones curiosity satisfied.After a few hours by myself, I heard my doorbell ring.I went to the door to see who it was. I wasn’t really thinking anyone would be coming by. I looked through the peephole to see who it was.I saw her….Amanda standing there with her backpack and a duffle bag slung over her shoulder.I didn’t think she was serious about spending the night. I instantly got excited about the thought. Who knows maybe we’ll spend the night kissing one another. Or who knows maybe we can do more than that.I quickly tried to find my calm center as I swung the door open for her.I looked at her, “What’s up?”She smiled at me, “I’m spending the night.”I laughed tried to play cool about the situation. “I thought you were kidding about spending the night.”I watched her pretend to pout but the sly smirk on her face didn’t help her sell the bit. “Well I can go back home if you like.”I opened the door wider and stepped aside, “Nonsense. Come in.”I watched as she stepped through the door. I had to ask, “Where did you tell you’re parents you were spending the night at?”Amanda dropped her duffle bag and backpack in the main living room. “I told them I’d be spending the weekend at Ash’s place. I told Ash I’d be here so if anything bad happens here she knows how to get a hold of me.”I rose my eye brow at her in skepticism, “And Ash is cool with this?”Amanda laughed, “Please after how many times I’ve covered for her when she does the same thing. So of course she’s doing the same thing for me.”I looked at her, “And how many times have you done this?”She turned around and pretended to be innocent, “This is the first time.”I smirked at her, “Uh huh.” And walked beyond her.“Have you eaten dinner yet?”Amanda followed me into the kitchen, “No not yet. What are you planning for dinner?”I scratched my head, “Well I was thinking frozen pizza seeing how if I try to actually cook anything else it will take some.”She shrugged at me, “Frozen pizza sounds good.”I smiled at her, “Great.”I took the pizza out of the freezer, threw it in the oven, and set the oven for 425.We just sat there and stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, who knows for all I cared it was good enough for me. I had to snap myself out of it and do something.“So what did you do after I left?”She looked at me for a moment and smiled, “Well I read your note, packed, called Ash to let her know what was going, convinced my parents to let me sleep at her place, and headed over here.”I smiled at her, “So what made you want to spend the night here with me?”I watched as she blushed, “Well I was just teasing you until I read your note. Then it pretty much made my decision for me.”I smiled at her, “So what about my note made you want to be here?”She got up from her seating position and walked over to me. She got right in my face, well at least to my chest level. She looked up at me, put her hand on the back of my neck and forced my face down to her’s. Before our lips touched I heard her breathe, “This.”And we kissed.The kiss she laid on me was completely indescribable. At first it was soft and slow. I was able to tell she was wearing her strawberry flavored lip balm. Then slowly our mouths began to open more and we allowed our tongues to explore each others mouth.At first the kiss caught me by surprise, but as the kiss slowly enveloped into more the more my hands began to wonder along her body. First my hands were exploring just her hips.When I felt her hand cup just above my butt, my hand reached in kind. Slowly my hand glided down until it reached the meat of her butt. The moment my hand cupped her butt the same she did to me. I felt her dig her nails into my butt.I slowly guided her to the kitchen counter. The moment her back touched the counter she broke our kiss. In one fluid movement she hopped on top of the counter, wrapped her legs around my waist, brought me in tight to her, and she kissed me again.Our lips locked in place. Her tongue searched every inch of my mouth.The entire kiss completely mesmerized me. It didn’t help that her body was pressed completely against mine. I could feel her breasts tighten up.Finally she broke from the kiss, she was breathing sort of hard. She smiled at me, “You better take the pizza out of the oven before it burns.”I smiled and tried to figure out how 20 minutes of lip locking went by. It felt like only five minutes had passed.I sighed to myself as I pulled the pizza out of the oven wondering how time flew by. That and wished I had worn looser pants. The hard on in my jeans wasn’t helping. Nor was her teasing me helping my pants not putting pressure on my groin.As soon as the pizza had cooled enough to be consumed, she smiled at me, “How about we eat our pizza while watching a good movie?”I scratched my head as I thought about the idea. I finally shrugged, “Ok by me. Anything special you want to watch?”She smiled at me, “How about a comedy?”We sat down in front of the TV vegging out to some comedy movie that Amanda had chosen. I really wasn’t paying attention. My mind was too focused on what should I do. We were sitting close on the sofa. I battled with myself if I should wrap my arm around her shoulders and convince her to cuddle into me. Or should I do nothing. The kiss plagued me. I know the kiss was fun but I still battled with myself if we were in an actual relationship. Or were we in some sort of friends with benefits arrangement that I heard a couple of my friends talk about.Should I ask her if we were actually dating or if we were in a friends with benefits arrangement?I quietly ate my slices of pizza and sipped my water while I thought it over in my head.Just this morning we were friends. But as soon as school was over and we parted ways we had mysteriously changed our dynamic. Now here was the girl I had fallen in love with spending the night with me and I’m playing it like a complete buffoon. Amanda seemed to have noticed that I was inside my head trying to think of what was going on because she leaned over and wrapped her arms around my torso.She cooed at me, “I’m getting cold. Is there any way I can talk you into getting a blanket to wrap around us?”I looked at her confused because she was sitting there in a sweater. I scratched my head trying to figure out how she could be cold. If I were wearing what she was wearing I would probably be sweating like a pig. Hell I’m sweating right now because I was seriously nervous.I finally sighed, “Yeah sure. Hold on I’ll be right back.” I thought to myself as I went to get a blanket that I’ll probably never understand females. Especially ones I’ve known for years.I came back with the blanket and opened it up for her.She looked at me for a moment and finally spoke, “I was hoping you would lie down on the sofa so I can lie down on top of you with the blanket over us.”I thought about it for a moment. Then I heard her add, “That’s if it is ok with you. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”I smiled her trying to hide my curiosity, “That’s fine.”I laid down on the sofa, Amanda laid in the crevice of the sofa so that half of her was on top of me, and she laid the blanket over us.I tried to focus what was on the TV but for the life of me I couldn’t. Whatever sweat I was trying to hide has just been thrown out the window, both from the blanket and the extra body heat from Amanda. I’m just glad one of my armpits shouldn’t make the shirt wet because it was being pushed against Amanda. The pressure in my pants has become unbearable. I’m pretty sure the elastic band keeping my boxers in place wasn’t warranted for a 16 year olds hard on. That or my dick had slid out the hole in the boxers was now pushing against my jeans. The pressure was too much for me to actually tell which it was. I just prayed my pre cum didn’t leave a wet spot in the jeans that Amanda could notice if she were to feel down there.I felt Amanda begin to run her finger up and down my chest for a while. The entire time I tried to think of football plays, baseball stats, basically anything to help me ignore the pain in my pants. Each time her finger would stop at my belly button, I prayed she would continue running her finger down and tried to hide the fact I was holding my breath from her. "Hey I have a question?"I continued to hold my breath because now she was playing with my belly button. But somehow I was able to breath out, "What is it?"Amanda began to run her fingers upwards, "I was wondering what you thought of us?"Now I had to look down at her and caught that she was looking up at me with serious eyes. "What do you mean us?"She continued to look up at me, "Do you see me as a friend, or......." Her words trailed off as I kissed her. As our kiss broke off I watched her eyes flutter open and she tried to catch our breath. I smiled at her, "What does that tell you?"She moaned a little bit, "So you want to become more than friends?"I continued to smile while trying to remain calm. Inside I was completely nervous as I spoke my next words that would forever change who I am. And who I will become.I pulled her out of her crevice and laid her completely on top of me so her whole body would be pressed against mine.I smiled at her, “Since last year I’ve wanted to move beyond friends with you.”I watched her facial reaction as it completely lit up. She instantly smiled showing me joy. Then within a few moments very facial reaction changed to passion and she kissed me passionately. Her tongue continued to explore my mouth. It felt soft and exhilarating each time she kissed me.My hand began to explore her backside until it found her butt and grabbed a hold. My hand began to lightly massage her butt in between each squeeze my hand gave her. After a few moments of me doing that she started grind her hips into mine.We broke our kiss and Amanda sat up to look into my eyes. I watched as her face turned from a enjoyment smile to a wicked smile. I was confused at the look on her face. I thought I read passion or horniness on her face.I could be wrong and was reading what my facial reaction and was projecting it on her. My answer came clear as she removed her sweater and t-shirt to reveal to me her little bra that she was wearing.I was completely dumbfounded. Seeing her in her little bra was more than I ever imagined. It felt like all my intelligence disappear the moment I saw what she was wearing.Amanda was wearing a little bra as if were painted on. It was one of those clasps in the front bras. I could easily see myself unclasping the bra with my teeth. The only thing I would need was time because I was still new to getting girls out of their clothes.As much as I wanted to tell her to stop, to tell her she didn’t have to do this, but I couldn’t find my words. The moment I saw her in her little bra all the blood that was there, not that there was much there to begin with since we started kissing, had gone down below. I felt my heart beat in my dick. My dick was screaming asking for her to remove more clothing. It wanted to be released from its confinements.She bent down to me and whispered in my ear, “Relax. I want this to be natural.”What the fuck? Had she just read my mind? Did she recognize the war that was in my head?Did she know I was thinking that I didn’t want to move this fast?The war continued to play in my head. All the questions kept forming in my head. But the moment she started nibbling on my neck everything seemed to disappear.I laid back and enjoyed her kissing my neck. She moved her way down kissing my chest. I felt my dick begin to pulse more. Now the pulsing felt stronger.She continued down kissing each area of my stomach outlining each ab. She pulled up my shirt so she could have more intimacy with my stomach. I wanted her to continue going down and kiss the bulge in my pants. And then it hit me.Each kiss she formed on my stomach was light enough to register in my mind that it tickled. I tried to bite down on my lip to not show that it tickled. Then it escaped…my first laugh.Amanda looked up from my stomach and cooed at me, “Is someone ticklish?”I wanted to tell her no and say that I wasn’t ticklish. Hell I didn’t even know that I had that ticklish spot. But before I could say anything let alone tell her that she was wrong, she went back to kissing my stomach. I turned where I laid trying to avoid her lips from continuing its assault on tickling me.Finally I pulled her up to me and tried to control my laughing, “That’s enough before I start tickling you back.”She smiled at me, “I rather you not.”I smiled at her and kissed her.After a few moments she finally sat up, pulled on my shirt, and simply stated, “Off.”I caught on to what she was getting at. I sat up so my face was directly in her breasts. She helped me take off my shirt.Hell more like rip my shirt off from me.As soon as she ripped off my shirt, I reached up with one hand and flicked my wrist unclasping her bra. I was surprised I was able to do that. I figured I needed a lot of practice to do that but somehow instinct kicked in allowing me to pull off that task on the first try. I looked up at her and saw that she was smiling at me. She immediately pushed on my chest forcing me to lay back down on the couch.I looked up at her and smiled to myself. I don’t remember when I started falling for Amanda let alone started dreaming of being with her. Nor could I remember when I started dreaming of what Amanda looked like naked or what she would feel like against my body.I looked up to she that her naked breasts were better than I could have ever imagined. I dreamed that her nipples were like some of the porno movies I had watched. Big and always hard. What I saw now were very small nipples and looked like they needed some attention in order to be hard.I reached up and put my hand on her back. I forced her down to me to where her breasts were in my face. I put my mouth on her left nipple.The moment my mouth covered her nipple I heard her sigh. As soon as her nipple entered my mouth, I lost myself in giving that nipple my full attention. I sucked on it lightly. Nibbled on it lightly. I pulled on it with my teeth and let go.I alternated between each breast. Whenever my mouth wasn’t on one breast my hand would be on the other. My hand felt like it had a mind of its own. It would cover her breast and lightly massage it. Then it would switch to kneading the nipple in between my thumb and index finger lightly pinching the nipple.My mind found the strength to let me other hand to wander. My hand found its way to her butt, but it went under pants and grabbed a hold of her bare butt. The moment my hand found her bare bottom I once again heard Amanda sigh.This continued for a while until she sat up taking away her bountiful breasts from my lips. I looked up at her and saw that she smiled a very wicked smile. I imagined she probably saw the look on my face that said ‘Why did you take away you tasty breasts?’“Do you want these off?” and she pointed down to her pants.It took me moment to follow where she was pointing. Once I saw that she was pointing down to her pants. The only thing I could muster was a nod.She took my hands and led them to the button on her pants. The moment my hands even touched the pants they reacted on instinct. They quickly undid her button and unzipped her pants. She lifted herself up to allow me to bring down her pants.I didn’t notice while I was undoing her pants that she had done the same to me. Once I had fully removed her pants she began tugging on my pants signaling that she wanted my pants off.I could only lift my hips to allow her to rip my pants off from me. The moment my pants were removed I felt my dick sigh and silently thank Amanda for removing its restraints. The only reason I knew it sighed and thanked Amanda because a wash of relief was released through my body. Now the only thing keeping my dick from saying hello to Amanda was the weak elastic band holding my boxers on.I looked up at her as she held my pants in her hand and smiled at me. The way she was holding my pants in one hand it looked like it were some forbidden trophy that she never imagined she would be holding in her hand.I smiled to myself at the odd image and thought that it should be the other way around. Me holding her pants or panties in my hand like it were some unobtainable trophy that no matter how close I got was always out of reach…until now. Well at least not yet but soon I will have that gratification once her panties are in my hand.Amanda laid back on top of me and we began kissing again. Our hands explored each others bodies. My hands mainly focused on her butt and breasts. I enjoyed how her breasts felt against my chest and amazed how toned her butt was.Then I heard it.She breathed into my ear, “I want you so bad right now.”My brain literally exploded at hearing her confession. The only thing my brain could do was let me moan. No good comeback. No verbal agreement. Just a moan. I wanted to kick myself for not laying some smooth line. I’m just happy that her confession didn’t make my dick explode in my boxers. That would be definitely embarrassing.Even though all this happened in my head, my hands some how found their way down to her panties and began sliding them past her ass. I felt her lift herself so I could fully remove her panties. As each inch of her panties were being removed I felt my heart literally skip a beat.My dick felt like it pulsed even harder. It screamed at me and begged to be removed from the thin fabric to feel her pussy brush against it. Each passing moment of my dick pulsing actually began to hurt. It felt like each vein running through my dick had been constricted past its normal constriction.Now I understood how guys could actually get blue balls. It’s the pure torment of being teased to the point where your dick can’t handle the overload and not being allowed to release it to the girl.As soon as her panties were removed and in my hand, I literally wanted to jump up and down at hold my new trophy in my hand. But my dick argued with me telling me the actual trophy is laying on top of me. Sadly I actually had to agree with my lower region. Amanda smiled at me now that she was laying on me completely naked. I never imagined how good her body actually felt against me. I had to pinch myself to make sure this was real and not some dream.I almost believed this was actually dream until I felt Amanda begin to grind her freed pussy along my confined dick and actually felt her juices begin to soak through my boxers. Or was it the pre cum my dick was over producing?Either way the pain in my dick confirmed that this was real.“Off.”Her voice snapped back out of my trance and noticed she was up and tugging on my boxers. I naturally lifted my hips so she could remove my boxers for me without actually having to think it over.The moment she had my boxers off she smiled at me and waved them over her head, “Now that we are both naked what are you going to do about it?”I smiled at her, grabbed her a hold of her wrist, and pulled her down to me.The moment our bodies touched my dick instantly felt her juices enveloping it. As soon as her pussy juices flowed over my dick it felt like my dick got harder and constricted even more like it hard grown it inch more than normal. It was both painful and exhilarating.After some groping, grinding, kissing, and moaning. It felt like it was time for my dick to be introduced to her insides. I wasn’t in the mood for a blowjob. I reached down and put my hand on my dick forcing her to lift her hips so that I could grasp my dick. I guided my dick to her opening but kept my hand on my dick so only the head could enter her.I felt instantly how her juices completely drenched my hand and dick. I kept it there just to see what she would do.I watched her eyes begin to glaze over, her mouth begin to drool, and feel her hips push down on my hand trying to force it from releasing its grasp allowing my dick to fully enter her.She looked into my eyes and moaned, “Yes. Put it in me….pppplllllleeeeasssseeee.”I smiled at her and let go of my dick. She sat down fully on me and instantly my dick slid inside her.My mind was in a wash of emotions and thoughts. I felt how warm and wet she felt inside her.My dick felt cold compared to how warm she was. As soon as my dick was inside her to the root my dick thanked me for being somewhere where it wanted to be. I felt how tight she was and thought to myself how easily I could cum.I heard her moan and watched as she closed her eyes as I entered inside her to the root. It looked like she was imagining how good it felt. How deep I went inside her. How she could possibly feel how much my dick was pulsating.I smiled to myself but that smile was short lived.She lifted her hips and my dick exited her pussy to almost the tip. My dick screamed at me telling me it wanted to go back inside her. The message reached my brain and my hands instantly grasped her hips. I pushed her down on top of me. My dick went to the root. I heard her moan. Our bodies slapped together. I heard her pussy begin to squish because of the forced movement.Up.Down.Up.Down.Each movement felt better than the last. Our moans began to become in sync with each other.Our hands ran over each others bodies. Our lips locked on one another.Up.Down.Our bodies began to slap even louder.Up.Down.Slap.Her pussy squishing became louder and much more noticeable.Up.Down.Slap.Squish.Our moans were muffled in each others mouths.Up.Down.Slap.Squish.I felt her body begin to shake uncontrollably.Up.Down.She broke our kiss, sat up so that all of my dick was inside her. Her body began to shake uncontrollably. She threw her head back and let out a long groan.I felt her pussy begin to contort and clasp down on my dick. The feeling was indescribable.She was going through one hell of an orgasm.After a few moments I felt her pussy release its grip around my dick. And she flopped on top of me unmoving.It took everything I had not to cum.She laid there for a few moments trying to catch her breath with my dick still inside her.Each time she breathed I felt her pussy slightly grasp down on my dick and the release the grip.I couldn’t stand it any longer. I didn’t know whether she was done or not. And now that she was basically dead weight there wasn’t much I could do to move her we could do another position.My only solution was to raise my hips forcing her to lift her hips as well.As soon as I did I heard her gasp as I did raise my hips.The moment my hips were at the right height I let my hips fall. Then back up.She began to moan again.Up.Down.I was beginning to feel my dick swell telling me that I was close to blowing my load.Up.Down.Slap.Squish.Moan.After a few moments I began to speed up my pace.Up.Down.Slap.Squish.Moan.Now my balls began to swell. I was close now. It wouldn’t be too long before I was going to blow.I had to say it, “I’m about to cum.”Amanda moaned inside my ear, “Go ahead and cum inside me baby. I’m on the pill.”There was no going back now. I didn’t know what to do.Up.Down.Slap.Squish.Moan.I couldn’t hold it any longer. I instantly arched my back. I let out a long moan. I was cumming.As if me cumming inside her made her cum again because she matched my exact pose. She was sitting up again. Her back was arched. Her head was back. And her long moan matched mine.Finally my orgasm was finished and so was hers. She flopped down on top of me. We each were out of breath.As we laid there I slowly felt my dick begin to soften and slowly exit her pussy. The moment my dick had fully exited her I felt cum slide out of her down on my balls and onto the sofa. I smiled to myself thanking that my parents had invested in leather sofas because clean up should be easy to where my parents will never notice what we had just done.We laid there for a while now that we had fully regained our composure. Amanda had gone back to her crevice in the sofa and was lightly gliding her hand along my chest.I was staring up at the ceiling when I heard her speak.“Jay I have a question?”I turned me head towards her and looked at her. “Shoot.”“Are we dating?”I smiled at her, “Only if you want to date a buffoon like me.”She smiled and slipped my chest, “Come on I’m being serious.”I looked at her, “I would like to.”She smiled at me as if confirming what we had done wasn’t some friends with benefits situation. “Good.”The rest of the night was fun. We ended up having sex three more times that night. Once in the kitchen trying to rehydrate ourselves which didn’t help. Another time in the shower trying to shower ourselves off which was harder to accomplish than expected. And one last time in my bed before we succumbed to exhaustion.We had changed positions. She had given me one hell of a blow job. And I found out she had tasted even sweeter than I imagined when I ate her out.Before we succumbed to exhaustion before she surrendered to sleep she uttered three words I wasn’t expecting.I love you.Now that I knew we were dating for sure I was happy. All my dreams had come true and then some I wasn’t even expecting. So now we went from childhood friends to dating to lovers. Now that she had admitted that she loved me, I now had to find the right time to tell her that I loved her back. Who knows I might tell her tomorrow morning as we wake up. I just didn’t want this night to end unfortunately the sand man was knocking hard and I had to get some sleep I was exhausted. via /r/eroticliterature https://ift.tt/2FNxy3h
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