*Trigger Warning*You've been warned*Trigger warning*Just a made up story, perhaps it has happened. This is not based of a true eventTabitha was a fairly large woman who just loves cheerleading. Of course her size made it hard to perform certain trick and stunts. It didn't stop her trying to best. Tabitha could roll, jump, great at lifting her fellow squad members. Holding them sky high, love every second.Stage fright hit her hard, she hates the way she looked in the cheerleader attire. No self confidence in her appearance. However she wouldn't let go of her dream. She and her fellow performed the school years first prep rally.Everyone, teachers, students, and her cheer squad loved her determination. Never missed a mark. However enters Jacob. Jacob was somewhat the class clown. Always responds with jokes and puns no matter the situation. He was an incredible insult comic.Usually he stuck with simple quips. Making fun of clothes, decision making skills, tended to be racist with some. Never to someone's face, eventually though the joke would reach his victim.Unfortunately Tabitha caught it from the source, no known reasons why Jacob chose to harrass her. Perhaps it was a jealousy of her new found popularity.Jacob walked up to Tabitha acting polite. Tabitha pleasantly tried to shake Jacobs hand as she was dripping in sweat from the routine.Jacob quickly pulled his hand away and quipped "Is that the sweat from your fat rolls, or did looking up though cheerleader skirts get you hot and bothered?"Jacob laughed his ass off as well as his fellow comrades. A couple cheerleaders laughed along with him, Tabitha didn't think of it. She faced bullying her whole life.However Jacob never lightened up."Close your legs, here comes fat fuck Tabitha!""She rolls in the hay with other lesbo piggies!""Id sleep with her with a paper bag, and a crane!"Day in and day out Jacob yelled this at Tabitha, each day getting worse and worse. Tabitha kept a brave face, however torment killed her inside. No one helped her. No one cared about her.It all came to an end the day Jacob went too far. Tabitha was leaving school, walking to her car in tears from Jacob and the other new bullys. Something smelt awful. The smell got worse the closer she got to her vehicle.The car window was about to bust open. The car was completely filled with pig manure. Tabitha screamed in anger."Looks like Fat Tabitha shit herself again. See you cheersquad pass by?" Jacob yelled behind her back.Tabitha clinched her fist and punch the car door leaving a dent. Tears rolled down her face. Jacob wouldn't stop laughing. Other kids joined in on the laughing.Tabitha stormed off leaving her car behind. The bullying was too much for. She had killed herself. Hanging herself in the family room for all to see.Roan her brother was the first on the scene. He watched as his sister swung side to side. He didn't cry, scream, didn't call his parents to say what had happened.Roan understood why Tabitha did this. Roan was never a violent man however his old emotions completely vanished from his mind. Perhaps he just blacked out from severe shock.Roan grabbed his car keys and headed back to Tabitha's school. Roan had no idea what he was going to do to Jacob. Perhaps talking and yelling would be more sensible. Roan looked around and saw Tabitha's car still parked in it spot. Jacob and his friends stood around it taking selfies.Roan knew what he was going to do. He marched towards Jacob. He tapped him on the shoulder and politely asked. "Excuse me, are you Jacob?""Who's asking?" Responded Jacob."My name is Roan, Tabitha is my sister. She wanted me to talk to you," said Roan.Jacob smirked and began to respond. Before he opened his mouth Roan grabbed Jacob by his face and bashed his into the car window. He continued it until the window shattered open and Jacob pleading him to stop.Jacob's friends tried to pull Roan off, but he pulled out a knife and kept them at bay. Roan never stabbed Jacob, he wanted to fell his flesh on his own hands. He continued to punch Jacob in the head, until his eyes began to roll out of consciousness.Blood splattered all over Roan, he laughed at Jacob's pain. He loved Jacob begging for his life. Roan denied his request. Roan licked the blood off his knuckles. Roan got up as the school security approached at full speed. Roan turned to Jacob and Stomped his head end. Brain and Skull splattered every where. Jacob's friends gagged and vomited.Roan walked away and got of his knees to show no restraint from security.Eventually everyone found out what had happened to Tabitha. Jacob was killed and was just a forgotten memory, as another bully getting his just desserts.Roan is still serving his time in prison. Some say he had attracted AIDS during the fight. Roan is not in good shape. Perhaps his time is almost up as well. via /r/scaryshortstories https://ift.tt/2FP0wQl
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