First things first, I (28 year old male) am a rational skeptic and do not believe in ghosts or demons, etc. Okay to use in the podcast.In 2005 my family moved from the home that I grew up in. I never knew if it was for a particular reason, financial trouble, family issues, or anything like that. The house that we moved to was only about an hour away, but was VERY COUNTRY. No stop lights at intersections, barely any paved roads, and more tractors on the road than I had ever seen before in my entire life. The house was a former daycare and has a very odd layout, exit signs with flood lights above the door, and a lot of random open areas. I was around 14 or 15 when we moved in, had my own bedroom for the first time in my life, and was enrolled into the most southern country school that you can imagine. Literally the lowest graded public school in Texas.When we moved in, my brother and his small family (wife, son and daughter) moved in with us. Due to financial issues on their part, it was to help build up good credit. My father will also suffer a crippling injury at work and be disabled a couple years after moving in, causing more issues. The first few years were fun, coming home from school, playing games with my brother, teaching my nephew how to play and join us.Everything seemed normal, albeit with some high tension moments. As to be expected with 7 people sharing a house, we had our share of fights. When my nephew was old enough to talk coherently, and my niece was learning her words, they began to wake up in the night screaming and crying. My sister-in-law was there to take care of them while my brother worked the night shift at his job. With my parents becoming annoyed at being woken up by crying almost every night, my sister-in-law told us that they were having nightmares.My nephew said that there was a person watching them from the open door. He did not like to talk about it very much so I was asked to play some games with him and try to get some details. He looked up to me at the time and wanted to be like me, and I am told that he still does. I eventually got a brief description after many random games. No eyes, black like a shadow, and moves on all fours like a dog.There was also aggression from my dad to my brother, saying that he was being too loud when he was awake at night or going to work. I did not ever notice any loud sounds at night and was only ever woken up by crying children. During summer, I got into the habit of staying up late and hanging out with friends digitally. It was at this time that I did notice some sounds. A bump of a wall or a loud step. Though what my dad got wrong was that he heard it in the hall. I heard it from the attic door, which is in the hall ceiling. It was poorly constructed up there and had 2 families worth of belongings so falling objects is not out of the question.This continued for many years, with my niece saying that she was scared of the dark man watching her. It increased in intensity, with them freaking out individually in separate rooms independently of each other even during the day. Our German Shepherds would guard them ferociously and growl at doorways from time to time. In time, my brother and his family moved out. And it all seemed to come to an end.Years later, my sister, still living with us, had a daughter. She is 6 now. Last year, she began to draw pictures. Standard flowers, suns, fields, etc. When she was asked to draw me, she drew me but with an extra. There was a tall, long limbed figure, all black, with no eyes, just behind me. She would draw pictures of this figure that I first thought was Slender Man, though a 5 year old who has not seen YouTube yet would not know that yet. She always slipped them under my door for me. When I asked why, she said it was because he was always watching me and following me. That he crawled from the attic and into my bedroom. And that he watched me from the cracks of doors.I put this aside for awhile because kids are creepy anyway, but maybe my other niece and nephew had told her. But when I brought this story up to friends, they said that was the scariest thing that they had ever heard. One friend, who is much smarter than myself, pointed out that my brother's family had been gone for years and had almost no interaction with my niece aside from the age of 0 to 1. So she would not have had the same details that they did so long ago. Now I live with this Attic Man behind my shoulder, I guess.This inspired me to write a short story in a horror compilation (Fever Dreams) based on the experience called Attic Man, based on where he crawls from. Although I don't believe that there is some kind of ghost or demon following me around, everyone else seems very unsettled that 3 of these children, plus 1 of their friends, all say that there is a dark shadow man that crawls around this house via /r/ChilluminatiPod https://ift.tt/3koU4yA
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