Sunday, October 11, 2020

I battled depression, PTSD

Yes, I am warrior I came out of it at the right time.! Today with all you guys I would like to share my views or thoughts.! In Feb I was traumatized with an incident. It so happened that my parents fight like animals in house and then it was me who was's the parents who influence the kids The initial days I didn't knew what was going on in my mind.. I was tired, sleepless and then I had anmesia,panic attacks and all the stuff going onn with my was really tough for me i was forgetting things the roads like I was totally was like someone was controlling me and my body.! For 2 months I didn't knew it was depression. Then one of my closest friend realized that something was onn with me.. He then suggested me a counselor.. I went to him with another personality..idk it wasn't me speaking to him..he was scared...after a week he showed me the video recording of me ...I told him all about suicidal thinking,jumping out of the terrace etc. He then suggested me to a psychiatrist to diagnosed me... I was scared I had the dissociative identity disorder... But there comes the good news ..I was in highest amount of stress and deep depression..the doctor then called me for 4 months therapist and then things started working out for me..slowly I was in love with myself..I had to take like atleast 30 pills a day ...But back then yesterday my therapist said that iam out of depression...Iam Happy to announce this in reddit because its the only app where no one judges us... Well i hope i didn't bore up guys....Thank you 😊😊😇 via /r/depression

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