This happens all the time in New Zealand. There are awesome and fun events that are constantly pushed towards being more family friendly, and surprise surprise; they die. There really isn't that much to do here on a regular basis, and yes at events we like to get quite drunk to have fun. And yes, it gets bit hectic, but when a handful of people are arrested out of thousands of attendees - that's actually really good behaviour, but the media doesn't help by playing on the very few cases of bad behaviour. TBH I've seen worse at family events, they just don't report on it because they want certain things to be seen in a good light.My problem is, and also having been an event manager, a lot of families have no money!!! Like....how have we not worked this out yet? People literally bang on constantly about being broke after kids?! Any Uni marketing paper will tell you who the most affluent groups are: SINKS & DINKS. And yet, we still see this disproportionate push towards catering mostly for families. The same families who typically try and do free or low-cost activities with their kids.In NZ one of the largest demographics are young adults, and yet there is so little for us to do. We are constantly attacked for trying to have any fun. There are certainly many places I would LOVE to go, like the trampoline park and arcades, but they are absolutely brimming with children and everyone is too scared to do adult only nights because of the backlash they receive - even though it would open them up to a whole new group of customers who wouldn't otherwise use their service. In my town, it used to be a student town and they shut down all student bars and activities, and now no one comes here to party and the city centre looks quite run down and bad as a result. You can google things to do here, and nothing comes up...unless you type in "for kids" and then there are pages and pages of activities, mostly funded by tax payers and rates payers, that actually add nothing to the economic development of the city which it desperately needs.I leave with you a great example of a major event that was inevitably cancelled a few years ago and relocated to another part of the country to try again (ironically in an area with less families and children). It used to be the highlight of the year and the whole city was absolutely pumping, they would even shut a whole street off for a big party.They finally made it family friendly, and what happened? Parents were then like "lol I can't actually afford to spend $1000 on tickets for my whole family, I just want to know that we could go and not have to deal with all the drunks".https://ift.tt/35qZmn2 for spelling. via /r/childfree https://ift.tt/35qqXo9
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