Monday, October 12, 2020

AITA for not inviting ALL our family to dinner?

My partner and I have 3 kids and a small house. Both of our parents live fairly close and also two of our siblings live local and another two live close enough.We had a Thanksgiving dinner last night and invited ONLY my partners parents. They are older and don't get out to see our kids very often. I am not a big fan of "hosting". We have a small living area and not much room for mingling.I received a rather rude message from my partners brothers wife today (so like SIL) saying that we never include them when we do family dinners and that this was the first Thanksgiving she didn't cook and that they had to spend it ALL ALONE because my partners parents came to our house. First, they have two kids, and SILs parents live with them, they were hardly alone. Second, last time we invited them over SIL threw a fit that we didn't include HER parents in an event for our family (me and her are not related. Our partners are siblings). Third, whenever they "host" family dinners they always make my partner and I PAY to attend (and do not require payment from other family members). Finally, she would have expected us to host her parents as well.Anyway she was incredibly rude saying that they didn't get to spend Thanksgiving with family so I basically said sorry not sorry and that the holiday is actually today so she was free to have her inlaws over if she was worried about being alone on the holidays.AITA via /r/AmItheAsshole

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