HCBM just moved kids across state lines without permission and without filing for relocation with the court.So now my SO has the upper hand in modifying their CO. One of the things his attorney suggested is that he be given the opportunity to visit the house she and her BF are renting.Because she is a flaming see you next Tuesday, she got angry when the attorney told her this and insisted that she come and inspect my home. Well...She was MIA for 8 months this year as she moved into her boyfriend’s parents’ basement with him and left the kids at her parents’ house. She didn’t give a SHIT about where those kids were or who they were with during that time...This C-word actually let herself INTO MY HOME, uninvited and without notice, during a custody exchange two fucking years ago. She waltzed right into my kitchen and just about gave me a stroke when I looked up and saw her standing in the middle of the room. Then she actually sat her ass down at my kitchen island without being asked to stay. And stayed for 45 minutes. So, she has already seen the interior of my home. I don’t want this witch on my property, let alone in my house again.The kids have been coming here for over two years now. I feel the ship has sailed on her having the right to inspect my home now.Whenever she FaceTimes with them, they do it from their bedroom as we don’t like seeing or hearing her in the living areas of our home. So, she has absolutely seen their bedroom on the kids’ iPads while video calling with them.This witch also had the gall to tell my SO’s lawyer that I am not to be present at the time this inspection happens. It will be a cold day in hell before I let this woman come into my home, which is solely in my name and which I owned long before I even met my SO, without me here. She is a known thief, with an arrest record for stealing.Lawyer is saying she has every right to inspect the kids’ room but I will fight this tooth and nail and go to court over it and if it means making my SO move out, I am seriously considering it. This woman is just AWFUL.Anyone have experience with this before? via /r/stepparents https://ift.tt/2Hhlvfz
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