Friday, October 23, 2020

Something just always seems to come up

This is going to sound so much like whining but I felt the need to get this out somewhere so thanks for reading.The past couple weeks have been really fucking demanding. There are some delicate details but the TL;DR version is that one of my wife’s friends has an ex-husband who has been getting very aggressive lately, to a point where she hired a lawyer and didn’t feel safe picking up and dropping off their kids (they have shared custody). So twice, I was in a parking lot, watching from my own car, to make sure nothing happened during those exchanges. It also meant going to the friend’s house a couple times to watch the kids (5 and 7) while the friend, my wife and the other adults in our group had their own “therapy session” in another room. The last time this happened, when we got home, I told my wife “I need some time with some of my friends; I feel like I’ve given a lot of time and energy to this other group which you’re closer to, and I need some time for me.”I reached out to a friend and planned an evening hang session.And then Covid decided to flare up considerably in my area, so the governor said “no unnecessary home visits”. Great, so there go my plans. However, my wife is currently out to dinner with one friend, has outdoor plans with others tomorrow, and I’ll be sitting at home all weekend. On top of this, we were supposed to go visit my parents next weekend whom we haven’t seen in almost a year (we saw her parents in July) but who the hell knows if that’s gonna happen.I get that the whole Covid thing is out of our control but fuck... it just feels every time I try to set something up for myself, life comes in and says “Nope!”Anyway, that’s my vent. Thanks for reading. via /r/Vent

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